Johnny's Nightclub 21st anniversary party held in the carpark on the 28th November 1991
The Day before the Car Park Party

2311111300 - Pipe Major Peter Whitwam calls the staff for the official staff photo at the start of the party.
2211111610 - Our great team of staff who made the party possible
2303121836 - Twelve year old Richard Pursell and his 10-year old brother Andrew present a cheque for £350 to Kirklees Mayor Clr Tom O'Donovan in aid of the Mayor's Appeal. The money was raised by a bucket collection at Johnny's Nightclub's 21st birthday celebrations. This years Mayor's appeal money will be donated to Kirkwood and Martin House Hospices.
0112111601 - Seven of Johnny’s finest DJ’s. Can you name them all?
2311111415 - Stop hiding and come and do some work!
0112111610 - Joe looking daft as ever!
0112111606 - Someone had to wash the glasses!
0112111608 - Charles Hepworth thinks he is in Monte Carlo!
0112111553 - Above and below local junior bands entertain the crowd
2211111441 - Above and below its time to collect the raffle tickets
2211111517 - Set the stall out
2211111520 - Above and below The chefs prepare the party food
2211111526 - It’s time to tuck in
2211111532 - Angela and Johnny as romantic as ever!
2211111534 - Above and below Colne Valley Male Voice Choir entertain the party goers
2211111539 - Better than Glen Miller!
2211111552 - Do you have children of your own now? Show them this photo!
2211111554 - WHATSA MATTA NOW!
2211111556 - Mike Rippley singing the Classics!
2211111612 - Another of our local musicians entertain
2211111618 - Delia, Johnny and Joe’s mum right in the middle!
2211111620 - Brian Tucker bites off more than he can chew!
2211111622 - Lets Boogie!
2211111623 - The choir in full song
2211111625 - Remember The Greyhound on Manchester Road? Terry and Keith are on the far right!